Dear furball,
Your arrival on 22 Sept, 2014 was totally unexpected. Simply because we didn't know Mummy Milky was pregnant.
Together with your three other siblings, you guys brought us mixture of emotions.
Suprised as we weren't expecting you.
Excitement as it had been a long time since we had baby kitties.
Anxiousness as we're afraid how Bubble will cope with your existence.
Yet we gladly receive your presence.
From wet little things which we couldn't even decipher your exact colour, to wobbly kitties and finally a little monkey with beautiful fur and bright blue eyes, you've bought joy and laughter to us.
To our delight, Bubble love you too. Your presence changed her from a grumpy cat to a super manja cat who was afraid she'll lose our attention to you. She delightfully offers her treasured box to you and licks you lovingly. In fact, you look so much like her, people actually thought that you were her offspring.
I'm glad I made that trip home to see you.
You stole my heart from the moment I set my eyes upon you.
You loved to be cuddled and needless to say from a bunch of monkeys, you were the most gentle and fragile looking one.
While others just somehow swing their way up to the upper compartment of the cage, you used the stairs.
I've no regrets over the hundreds of ringgits I spend on you guys.
Coz money couldn't buy the joy and happiness you brought me.
Because that was the first six days I spent with you.
The days I spent gaga-ing over you.
And those were the only days I spent with you.
My only regret is I didn't have the means to bring you up healthy and well.
Turning a quarter of a decade old in two days time, I thought I'll be able to handle your leaving well. How wrong was I.
I love you, furball.
And someday I'll see you again in the clouds.
Rest in peace.
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