I had inorganic chemistry lecture as usual this morning at 10 am. And today we discussed Group 14 which is part of the syllabus. But I had this sad feeling when Dr, Wan said," We have two last weeks together...." It's hard to believe time passed so fast, I didn't even realise. I'm surprised that eventhough she had high expectations for us that we didn't believe we could fulfill when we first entered her class, we're enjoying her class now. And like all things that have a begining, it'll have an ending. There are only 2 more weeks of inorganic lectures left. Sob... I used to avoid her gaze hoping she won't ask me to answer her question, I used to keep my mouth shut and not give any answer, I used to feel stress being in her class. Now in the last 2 weeks of her class, I no longer avoid her gaze, answer as I could if i got called, I didn't even mind when I was asked to answer her question with Chang Yao last week, I enjoyed listening to her and I dread that her class is coming to an end.
To Dr. Wan, I just want to say a big THANK YOU for being such a great lecturer this semester. I've really enjoyed being in your class and I'm terribly grateful to God for giving me this chance. You've change us, our thinking and also our view on chemistry. I hope that we did match up to your expectations and all the times we frustrated you, I'm sorry for those times. Thank you,Dr.
It is already nearly the end of the second sem of first year. I'm glad that this sem has brought my coursemates and I closer and I hope things will go on in the postive path.=)
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